Teambuilding voor improvisators
Improvisatie wordt vaak gebruikt in teambuilding voor bedrijven, maar doen we eigenlijk wel genoeg aan teambuilding binnen improvisatie?
In deze workshop komen jij en je improvisatieteam nader tot elkaar. Dat levert betere scènes op, een veilige sfeer, maar is voornamelijk heel erg leuk!

Improv your dutch
Learning a new language is hard. Using a new language is even harder, especially with those annoying Dutchies who keep using the opportunity to show off their English. Starting out you will inevitably make mistakes, and that is just no fun… right?
In improv, we love making mistakes. It is the perfect tool to get more comfortable with the Dutch language. Improv Your Dutch is a course for expats who want to practice their Dutch. It is not about studying proverbs or learning the irregular verbs by heart, but about connecting, making yourself understood and just trying it out.
finding the game